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Owning Again After a Short Sale or Foreclosure

Recovery PlanSome experts are calling them the "boomerang buyer" and some are saying it is the time for the "rebound buyer".  We at Northwest Mortgage Advisors simply call it what it is, "Good people that got caught in one of the worst housing market crisis in the history of America". Many hardworking, credit worthy people lost their jobs and suffered from what became a domino effect.


Between 2008 and 2011 over 4 million homeowners lost their homes to foreclosure and had their credit rating severely damaged. This number doesn't even take into account the millions that entered into short sales and deed in lieu  agreements.


As the economy is recovering from the longest recession since the great depression, many of previous homeowners are in recovery as well. Today the consumer is smarter than ever. There are plenty of opportunities and ways to get back to owning a home and still be in a positive position. 


It is the American dream to own a home~~ it is what our country stands for. "It is time to leave your cares and worries in the past and look towards the future of homeownership."-Jim  Kreminski


YES! You can own a home again. Timing is everything..........Jim Kreminski, with his 23 years of knowledge and trustworthy track record, can look over your credit portfolio and help you plan for future homeownership. "Many people are not aware that they are qualified to purchase or to refinance, taking advantage of lower interest rates and removing PMI from their payments". 


Losing your home can be a devastating and stressful journey. But it doesn't mean that you're forever barred from owning a home ever again. "Our goal is to help clients that suffered as a result of the crisis, find their way back to home ownership" 

Are you ready?